It seems that everyday there is a new book on the Law of Attraction but, other than some pseudo-scientific quantum physics mumbo-jumbo there is virtually no difference between the new LOA books and the original LOA books that were written between 50 to 100 years ago. If you quest for self improvement and don't mind a slightly archaic version of modern English, you would do just as well reading the original LOA books and save yourself a fortune on what are basically nothing more than rewrites of the original's texts.
A Dream Book is simply a place to store images and ideas about the things that you are planning to manifest into your life. You can use anything from a simple manila folder, to a 3-ring binder, to one of those crazy trapper-keeper-folder thingies that the kids are using in school nowadays.
How to Make Your Own.Start with a three ring binder. These give you a lot of flexibility. You can add pocket pages for brochures and over-size items, and you can also use clear sheet protectors if you want to save something without punching holes in it.Now, begin collecting images and words that clearly represent those things that you want to manifest or create in your life and put them on pages in your Dream Book. You can find pictures in magazines or you can look for pictures on the internet that you can use. Don't overlook inspiring or motivating phrases either! Cut them out too and paste them into your Dream Book.
The person that popularized the Law of Attraction in the 21st Century was Rhonda Byrne. She produced a movie called The Secret in the year 2006. The movie was based on The Law of Attraction and became a huge hit. She also wrote a book based on the film with the same title. Both the book and the film played a huge role in introducing The Law of Attraction to scores of people in this century.
How to Use Your Dream Book.Now simply keep your Dream Book on your desk or somewhere where you will be sure to see it often. When you have a spare moment glance through it and allow yourself to feel as if you already possess the things that you want to create in your life.Your Dream Book is a work in progress. Don't be afraid to change things or to add new pictures as your wants and desires change.
Anyone who has achieved any level of success can attribute their success to the principles taught in these popular books.These 5 popular Law of Attraction books helped me go to levels of success that I could have never reached before. I learned powerful life-changing principles in every one of these excellent books. The next book I am excited to read is called The Method: How To Apply The Law Of Attraction & Get Everything You Want Out Of Life by Scott Soloff.When I'm done, I will let you know what I think.If you're just starting, an excellent place to begin your study of the Law of Attraction is to read The Secret.
The book also states that people who wish to see results don't go after their desires with a real passion. Most people have a half-hearted desire for the things they wish to have in life. A lack of intense desire is a major reason for people not being able to implement the concepts they have learnt, the book explains.W. Clement Stone, a very successful Chicago businessman of the last century, coined the phrase, "What you can conceive and believe you can achieve, with a positive mental attitude." He was selling insurance, and busy trying to motivate his sales force to sell more policies. Mr. Stone was also a successful author and his Law of Attraction book entitled, "Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, " has been used by companies for motivational training for almost a century now.
If you've been working with the law of attraction, and felt that the material was incomplete, Bob Proctor reveals that there's much more you need to know, and he reveals it all in The 11 Forgotten Laws. He admits that "The Secret" is "pop culture fluff" and is just touching on the huge potential of the law of attraction.
So, does this new material work? I've always used affirmations and visualization, so I expected The 11 Forgotten Laws to be more of the same, but bought the audio book anyway, because of Bob Proctor's involvement. I just wanted something inspirational to listen to on my daily walks.
Every person alive has an inborn creative ability to mold their own existence to fulfill their personal desires. The Source of the Universe, which is responsible for giving us our very being, has also endowed us with a similar spark of creativity which only requires acknowledgment to be activated in our lives. Your current life is the distillation of your previous thoughts, feelings and expectations. If you're not happy with the way things are you can change them for the better now. You simply need to learn and live the Secret.But don't be mistaken The Law of Attraction works whether we acknowledge it or not. It's operation is consistent, unyielding and impersonal. You get what you most think about, even if what you happen to be thinking is wrong. It doesn't care. It only acts on your emotionally-charged thoughts and desires.A Law of Attraction book like The Secret is something to which everyone should be exposed and, since it's debut in 2006 many millions have been. It's something people want to share with their friends and family because of the incredible value imparted in the teachings. You are ultimately responsible for creating your own reality. Do it well!
[Law Of Attraction Book]
A Dream Book is simply a place to store images and ideas about the things that you are planning to manifest into your life. You can use anything from a simple manila folder, to a 3-ring binder, to one of those crazy trapper-keeper-folder thingies that the kids are using in school nowadays.
How to Make Your Own.Start with a three ring binder. These give you a lot of flexibility. You can add pocket pages for brochures and over-size items, and you can also use clear sheet protectors if you want to save something without punching holes in it.Now, begin collecting images and words that clearly represent those things that you want to manifest or create in your life and put them on pages in your Dream Book. You can find pictures in magazines or you can look for pictures on the internet that you can use. Don't overlook inspiring or motivating phrases either! Cut them out too and paste them into your Dream Book.
The person that popularized the Law of Attraction in the 21st Century was Rhonda Byrne. She produced a movie called The Secret in the year 2006. The movie was based on The Law of Attraction and became a huge hit. She also wrote a book based on the film with the same title. Both the book and the film played a huge role in introducing The Law of Attraction to scores of people in this century.
How to Use Your Dream Book.Now simply keep your Dream Book on your desk or somewhere where you will be sure to see it often. When you have a spare moment glance through it and allow yourself to feel as if you already possess the things that you want to create in your life.Your Dream Book is a work in progress. Don't be afraid to change things or to add new pictures as your wants and desires change.
Anyone who has achieved any level of success can attribute their success to the principles taught in these popular books.These 5 popular Law of Attraction books helped me go to levels of success that I could have never reached before. I learned powerful life-changing principles in every one of these excellent books. The next book I am excited to read is called The Method: How To Apply The Law Of Attraction & Get Everything You Want Out Of Life by Scott Soloff.When I'm done, I will let you know what I think.If you're just starting, an excellent place to begin your study of the Law of Attraction is to read The Secret.
The book also states that people who wish to see results don't go after their desires with a real passion. Most people have a half-hearted desire for the things they wish to have in life. A lack of intense desire is a major reason for people not being able to implement the concepts they have learnt, the book explains.W. Clement Stone, a very successful Chicago businessman of the last century, coined the phrase, "What you can conceive and believe you can achieve, with a positive mental attitude." He was selling insurance, and busy trying to motivate his sales force to sell more policies. Mr. Stone was also a successful author and his Law of Attraction book entitled, "Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, " has been used by companies for motivational training for almost a century now.
If you've been working with the law of attraction, and felt that the material was incomplete, Bob Proctor reveals that there's much more you need to know, and he reveals it all in The 11 Forgotten Laws. He admits that "The Secret" is "pop culture fluff" and is just touching on the huge potential of the law of attraction.
So, does this new material work? I've always used affirmations and visualization, so I expected The 11 Forgotten Laws to be more of the same, but bought the audio book anyway, because of Bob Proctor's involvement. I just wanted something inspirational to listen to on my daily walks.
Every person alive has an inborn creative ability to mold their own existence to fulfill their personal desires. The Source of the Universe, which is responsible for giving us our very being, has also endowed us with a similar spark of creativity which only requires acknowledgment to be activated in our lives. Your current life is the distillation of your previous thoughts, feelings and expectations. If you're not happy with the way things are you can change them for the better now. You simply need to learn and live the Secret.But don't be mistaken The Law of Attraction works whether we acknowledge it or not. It's operation is consistent, unyielding and impersonal. You get what you most think about, even if what you happen to be thinking is wrong. It doesn't care. It only acts on your emotionally-charged thoughts and desires.A Law of Attraction book like The Secret is something to which everyone should be exposed and, since it's debut in 2006 many millions have been. It's something people want to share with their friends and family because of the incredible value imparted in the teachings. You are ultimately responsible for creating your own reality. Do it well!
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