Saturday, 26 October 2013

Bob Proctor On Wealth Creation

By Gerda J. Worth

Bob Proctor was born in 1935 in a family of humble folks as the middle child in Ontario, Canada. While growing up, he wasn't what you would call an exceptional youth. Due to the wide-reaching depression during his growing up days, Bob wasn't fascinated by studies. Consequently, he didn't excel at studies and eventually dropped out after barely a handful of months in high school.
[bob proctor]

He quickly decided to put the ideas outlined in the book to use. The first thing he did was take a figure he wanted to make, write it down, concentrate on it and keep it in his pocket. The initial sum of $25,000 may seem modest by today's standards, but in 1961, it was several times the average blue-collar wage in Toronto, even someone so lucky as to have a steady and lucrative position such as a city employee. To the protests of his brother fire fighters, he quit anyhow.Shortly, he'd started up a janitorial company that specialized in cleaning offices. Just twelve months after that, he was the head of a nation-wide janitorial chain and had made several times his original goal. Within a few years, he was a millionaire. Clearly the book had some sort of effect. He felt compelled to share this success with others through sharing the secret he'd learned.

Bob was ready to learn more and he devoured all the books he could come across on the subject, many from the 19th century such as those by the proponents of the New Thought Movement. He continued to study and found a mentor in Earl Nightingale, creator of the gold record winning "The Strangest Secret," and voice of over 7,000 motivational radio broadcasts.A pioneer of the self-help movement that sprung up in the 1970s, Earl taught sales forces and housewives alike that "You become what you think," since it occurred to him "like a bolt out of the blue," while preparing an inspirational talk for insurance salesmen in 1958. Bob went to work with him as a content salesperson in Chicago, Illinois, and soon became Earl's right hand man.

Bob Proctor was born in Canada in the year 1935. He was never interested in education when he was on his younger years. He dropped out of high school later on. His career started when he joined the Canadian Navy and served for four years and worked at the fire department later on. It was not a good opportunity for him and had financial problems hunting him frequently. His life started to change when a friend gave him the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. This book changed Bob Proctor's life and made him earn $175,000 in one year then earning millions soon after.

The most significant principle outlined and highlighted in this book is the Law of Receiving. This exhorts people to give up the frenzied pursuit of wealth, as this can only be counterproductive. It asks them to slow down and take a moment to comprehend what they really require in life. This can lead to the point where people can do what they want when they want. It implores the readers not to hanker after wealth, as it will only lead to discontent and dejection.In conclusion, Bob Proctor has made it to the top by using self-help principles. He has conveyed these lessons in the book You Were Born Rich.

The Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws are a set of Universal Laws in the vein of the Law of Attraction. In fact, Bob Proctor was a featured speaker in the movie "The Secret." But not long ago this popular motivational and success author boldly announced that the Law of Attraction as presented in the movie the "The Secret" was "pop culture fluff". In response to his belief that there was more that needed to be known, he is presenting the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws.You may have heard all of that before. But how can you get information and reviews on of the individual laws and what is in the program? Have you been looking for reviews from someone who has used and studied the program? When the book and the movie "The Secret" reached massive popularity, Bob Proctor says that what finally reached the public was a watered down version of the Law of Attraction. Many people were not familiar with some of the original new thought authors such as Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, Ernest Holmes, Emmett Fox, and H. Emilie Cady, or James Allen. If they had been, it's likely they would have reached the same conclusion. Although following three steps to manifest your desires seems attractive, the power of our minds is much more comprehensive than we realize.

The Law of Success and the other 11 Forgotten Laws do not belong to Bob Proctor of course. They are Universal Laws of Life that are available for all of us. But Bob has been studying and teaching his understanding of the Law of Success for many years; so when talking about the 11 Forgotten Laws the presentation here is rightly called the Bob Proctor Law of Success because of his particular expertise.The underlying foundation of the Bob Proctor Law of Success presented in the 11 Forgotten Laws, is that the intention of the Universe is that everyone be set up to succeed. Bob and Mary Morrissey teach that it is God's purpose that we express all we are, and it is God's will that humankind should use and enjoy every good in the Universe.

But before you delve into another book or course you probably want to know more before you decide if this program will work for you.Most of the information out there about this program will give you a list of the 11 Forgotten Laws. But just like the Secret, having a list of the Laws is incomplete. In addition, some of the Laws have names that may be confusing. For instance, the Law of Sacrifice could be called the Law of Self Discipline, and the Law of Increase could also be called the Law of Praise.

Another problem with trying to find out if the 11 Forgotten Laws will work for you, is finding reviews by people who have had experience using and the studying the program.If you are looking for a more in dept look at just what is in the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws program, take a look at each one of these universal laws. Then you can make an informed decision about what kind of benefits you could receive.I have personally been studying the Bob Proctor 11 Forgotten Laws and I've written an extensive review of each one of the 11 Forgotten Laws.If you are looking for more information about these lessons you can find them at 11 Forgotten Laws as well as a review which includes the pros and cons and an inside look at the free bonus package that comes with the program.

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