Friday, 11 October 2013

Can Daily Affirmations Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?

By Kenneth L. Johnson

Did you know that you can positively change your life by using daily affirmations? Many people know that they would like to see positive changes in their life, but do not know what to do in order to bring about those changes. Affirmations are one of the simplest and most powerful ways to bring about change.
[Daily Affirmations]

The events that we experience in our lives are drastically affected by our attitudes and thoughts. If you are constantly linking about negative things, then more negative experiences will come into your life. Many people are easily caught up in a negative trend because they do not know that they can change their experience. Using daily affirmations in a positive manner elicits positive changes in our lives.

But, surely, the point is that someone who uses this affirmation on a daily basis will find some relevance in it? They are likely to be someone who follows a western religious doctrine and takes comfort from the Bible. You would be unlikely to find someone of an eastern faith using this particular form of words as a source of strength.I recently visited Nepal and had the privilege of seeing many Buddhist followers repeatedly chanting the mantra "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum" as they walked trance-like around the Boudhanath in Kathmandu.

What about the real estate salesman who wakes in the morning, stares himself in the mirror and affirms "I have the inner strength to make this sale today"? He affirms it again and again until it is ingrained in his subconscious and his lips murmur it while he brushes his teeth... While he drives to work... He's like an automaton, trance like as he operates the car.

Whether you know it or not we all talk to ourselves. There is not one soul on the planet who doesn't talk to himself or her-self silently. This is known as self affirmation and not only is it normal it is a very powerful process. It can work for you or against you, depending on how you use it. In this article we will examine the benefits of daily positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are not a magic bullet for a successful and happy life. But they can help influence your thought process and have a meaningful impact on your behavior.What are your thoughts on positive daily affirmations? Are you trying to achieve complete happiness in your life like everyone is these days, but are not succeeding? Then you need to understand how you can use daily affirmations to achieve the happiness in your life that you are aiming for.

You must be persistent when using positive affirmations. Saying an occasional affirmation to your-self is as effective as doing a few push-ups occasional. You won't see any appreciable results until you make them a daily part of you routine just like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Try them for at least thirty days in a row with-out missing any days. You should begin to notice a definite shift in your thoughts and behaviors.

Choose a certain time a day to do your positive affirmations. For example,8.00 am each morning for five minutes. By selecting a specific time to do your affirmations you are making time to do them instead of try to find the time.The great thing about doing affirmations is that after only a short period of time they will become an automatic part of your daily thinking and behavior. You wont have to use conscious effort. That's when you will reap the full benefits of using daily positive affirmations.First, before actually get to the benefits of daily positive affirmations, let's get a clear definition of exactly what an affirmation is. An affirmation is an assertion of support or agreement. It is a declaration of the truth. Basically, an affirmation is something we consciously choose to believe or agree with.

While repetition and emotions are important for your positive daily affirmations, the most important, yet hardest to achieve point to remember is belief. You must truly believe what your affirmations say in order for them to come true. Remember always that this is a tried and tested method that works for people every day, so the same is true for you. If you don't believe that your affirmations are true, then they never will be. The Law of Attraction works both ways. If you don't truly believe that good things are coming your way, then they won't. This is the reason it is so important for you to really believe in your positive daily affirmations.

When used in the correct manner, positive daily affirmations are the best way to put the Law of Attraction to work for you. You are programming your subconscious mind to see and believe that all of your energies should be focused on the positive. This will in turn attract the positive back to you. Your positive daily affirmations are your key to achieving your goals in life.

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