Thursday, 3 October 2013

How To Improve Self-Esteem Quickly And Easily

By Darwin van Panhuis

All of us want to be confident and feel confident. But there are many among us who have little or no self confidence. Self confidence is not acquired overnight. It takes a lot of determination and dedication for people who have insecurities and low self esteem within themselves to improve their self confidence. If you want to know how to improve self confidence then there are some easy steps that can be very helpful for you.It is a fact that everyone is not born with an in built sense of self confidence.Some people may find it hard to develop confidence sometimes because of their personal experiences or if they have very low self esteem. There are a few techniques or handy things that you can do to build your confidence. Some of these techniques are very simple and little changes that you can easily follow, and the others are things you need to work on for a bit longer to get the desired goal.
[How To Increase Self Confidence]

Think about it for a moment: after a good workout, whether it's in a gym or out jogging, how do you feel? Are you happier? Do you feel good? Do you feel less stressed? Hours later, do you find that you sleep better and deeper? And the great thing is when you feel happier, when you feel good and less stressed your level of self-esteem increases.Can you now see that how to improve self-esteem is easy? Exercise can dramatically affect your attitude in a positive way. Studies have shown that by jogging, brisk-walking or even gardening outside you can change your attitude, even if you jogged slowly for five minutes.Many of us are aware of the numerous benefits we gain from exercising, yet few take action in the long-term and stick to an exercise routine. The simplest way to get started is to find an exercise that you enjoy or may enjoy doing.

For example, try brisk walking in a park, one that is full of exciting plants and flowers, lakes and ducks, or running on a treadmill looking out of the window onto a panoramic view of a luscious landscape, perhaps cycling on a path leading to a relaxing picnic area or a nursery, or join an exercise class like yoga or Pilates and meet people along the way. Experiment and find out what exercise routine excites you.

Some of those efforts may involve:Taking a leadership positions in another organization.Find a mentor in your niche.Hire a coach that has a track record of success in your market place.Join a mastermind group that has been meeting regular for over 1 year.Take a speech class to work on improving your presentation communication skills and overcome a common fear which will help to increase your self confidence.Also, Be mindful of the information your reading, listening to, studying. Be aware of bad news but use logic when addressing it. Try not to waste too much valuable time getting distracted surfing the web or watching videos on YouTube.

The important thing to remember is, as a beginner, start an exercise routine and build on it gradually. The big mistake some people do is they try to do too much too quickly and end up quitting not long after they started. This can give them the, 'I'm a failure' feeling and can lower their self-esteem, making them feel bad about themselves.Do your best to fit exercise in your life. Feel better, look better, feel happier. The question: how to improve self-esteem is now in the past. You know the answer. Exercise and have a higher self-esteem and a great attitude about yourself and life. And that's for starters. Try it out and see and feel the benefits for yourself.

Suffice it to say that, indeed (and incontestably), a great deal of unhappiness in our lives is caused by our worry as to 'what others will think of us.' Suffice it also to say that this worry (about others' perceptions of us) tends to be inversely related to our self esteem. That is to say, the lower our self esteem, the greater this worry about others' perceptions of us tends to be. Conversely, the higher our levels of self esteem, the lower/less our worry about others' perceptions of us.How higher self esteem leads to more happiness.Now, just think about it: how greater would your happiness be (than it is currently) if you didn't worry too much about others' perception of you - like what others will think about you, what others will say about you... and so on? If you answer that question honestly, you'll see how working to improve self esteem can result in enhanced happiness.

Of course, there are many other mechanisms through which improved self esteem results in enhanced happiness (not just the one where high self esteem helps you stop worrying too much about what others think of you). It is also worth remembering that people with high self esteem tend to have more friends, and to have better relationships with their friends -- which results in more happiness. Further, people with high self esteem tend to have better relationships with themselves. They are less prone to unfair/intense self-criticism when they fail. They are generally kinder to themselves. And that translates into higher levels of happiness.Self esteem and success.In fact, attempts have also been made to correlate high self esteem to success in various endeavors - and it would seem as if high self esteem doesn't just result in higher levels of happiness, but also in greater levels of success. That is especially the case in things like business, where success depends on networking: an undertaking in which people with high self esteem tend to be very good at.

Be happy with yourself. For you to attract the satisfaction of others, it is advisable that you be satisfied with yourself in the first place. Make sure, for example, that you dress well and generally look well kempt. You are then able to remove the fear of not looking good before people and thus are able to manage to work comfortably.

Follow your fashion: you are original and that means that your way is customized only for you. In such a case, you are the master of your own game. It is thus easy for you to win in such a situation no matter the challenges. So, avoid 'copy and pasting' other peoples ideas.Know your niche. Identify the thing that you do best and be sure to impress at all times. You are better placed knowing your area of specialty than trying to do things that do not fit into your style of life. You are at home in your own niche thus an increased self-confidence.

Do something! You will not develop high self-esteem if you sit on the sidelines and back away from obstacles. Taking action will make you feel better about yourself, regardless if you succeed or fail. If you let your fear and anxiety hold you back from taking action, you will end up feeling frustrated, sad and discontented with yourself.

Be as knowledgeable as possible. Take the time to learn a number of things that directly affect your life like work or school-related things and several others. It will help you know what to say during conversations and thus improve your confidence greatly.Love yourself. Go out have fun and feel good all the time there is the chance for it. Loving yourself increases self-confidence in the long run.Take time to focus fully on yourself and try as much as you can to build something positive. They say that Rome was not build in a day and in the same way, there is the need to be patient as you build yourself. The raw materials for this self-confidence building project include: attitude, heart, courage and dedication, among other things that increase your focus towards this important life undertaking.

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