Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Building Self Esteem For Women And Girls: Tap Into Your Feminine Power By Putting Your Needs First

By Eric L. Miller

Does your self esteem wavor when you see apparently flawless females? Women and girls often get the brunt of air brushed media images. Does just looking at those perfect models make you want to sink even further into the proverbial bed?Or perhaps you avoid any media comparison, and yet still experience low self esteem from the messages you picked up in the family environment. Did your parents want a girl? did they value you? We're you an awkward teenager? Are you a stressed out mum that puts herself and her needs last? Are you a manager that let's her colleagues dump their extra workload on to her?
[Girls Self Esteem]

Still, it does matter to what extent we are confident about the talents or abilities we have. Why not consider these things mentioned below for understanding the internal as well as external pressures most girls are faced with? Also let's learn how such pressures affect or influence the growth of their valuable self-esteem,Eating disorders, lower self-esteem, or depression is among the common emotional health problems among girls.59% of the 5th to 11th grade girls are dissatisfied with the body shape the have. A recent survey revealed this fact.Around 20% to 40% of typical girls start dieting as soon as they turn 10.By the time they turn 15, most girls are 200% as likely to get depressed compared to the boys.Among 5th to 11th grader girls, around 47% commented that they prefer losing weight being inspired by magazine pictures.

Really love yourself!Read this list every day.Create a list of your top goals and take baby steps every day. Think about goals relating to your career, finances, hobbies, spiritual development.Choose to focus on the positive aspects of your self and others every day, and don't take their negativity personally. Your new positive outlook may unnerve those stuck in the dumps; so stay focused on your positive feelings and don't get attached to someone else's trash.Put yourself first!

Yes you read that right.Women are often programmed to be the support person - whether it's to their partner, children or boss; or all the above.Drop the 'martyr' label, and put your happiness and needs first. Be body aware by feeding your body healthy food and taking care of it's needs. Choose to focus on the benefits of healthy eating rather than the pain and punishment associated with yo-yo dieting.Be emotionally aware by doing things that are fun and fulfilling for you. Don't agree to do something you're not 100% happy with, or cancel your plans to accommodate others. Compromise in a relationship is good, but not at the expense of your happiness and not if it's a familiar habit of giving in.And for goodness sake - spoil yourself sometimes! You deserve it.

Self-esteem and self-image make a huge difference in the level of success you can have not only in your business, but it will affect relationships and even health. There have actually been studies that show that low self-esteem lowers your health, as for one thing, it impacts your susceptibility to stress and ineffective self-care.If we try to go after love by taking care of everyone else but ourselves, we ultimately will not even be as effective in caring for those we love. We as women are also setting an example for our daughters. I have a 17 year-old daughter, and I have seen how the impact of media and peer pressure can cause wear and tear on the psych.

It is very common for girls to hit their teenage years and suddenly become less outgoing and motivated, while lacking self-esteem and confidence. It is a worrying time for parents who want their daughter to feel good about themselves and their achievements.Research suggests that girls with low self-esteem have self-concepts that are confused, self-contradictory and inconsistent. This is concerning, because forming an identity is one of the most important tasks for adolescents, and it is extremely important for girls to know who they are, what they are good at, and what they believe in. Girls who form a good and strong identity have increased confidence and ability to deal with peer pressure, disappointment and change.

So, here are some ideas for parents who are looking for ways to raise their daughter's self-esteem and confidence,Firstly, encourage your daughter to have a well-defined identity. This means helping her define what she likes, what she values and what she believes in. Good questions to ask her are: "Tell me about that", "Why did you make that decision?" and "Why does it make you feel like that?"Spend lots of time giving her sincere and genuine feedback about her strengths and abilities. For example, "I think you are good at because...", and "I like the way you..."

They make sure your children know how to count, read and write. Look around you, may be your friends, people at work, who appear to be more successful in their life. Successful can be at work or their marriage. Is it Joe, in the corner who does not talk to anyone or Mary who can start a conversation with anyone at anytime. Is Brandi at work who always eats alone or Frank who is always helping and praising others? The answer is always the more outgoing person who is friendly and nice to everyone.

By the way, when I say outgoing, I don't mean the person next to you at work that just can't shut up. I mean the person that can have conversation with anyone, that person.The second item is character. Help your son or daughter build their character. Make them make the hard choices. Don't let them get away with the occasional lying or unacceptable behavior. Make them understand in a positive way that there are consequences for not behaving correctly in today's society and they will result in some sort of negative ways for them. Hold them accountable just like you think the society will hold them accountable so they are ready when they become an adult.

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