Monday, 28 October 2013

Supplements For Relieving Anxiety

By Patricia E. Beeson

Anxiety and depression are common disorders that many people suffer from. Doctors and scientists will agree that good nutrition and the right combination of vitamins and supplements can reduce or even alleviate the need for prescription based medications. There are several different supplements that may help bring anxiety under control. All of these supplements can be purchased over the counter without a prescription. Consulting a health professional before taking any new supplements is always recommended, especially if they are going to be added with prescription medication.
[Supplements For Anxiety]

Passion Flower (Passiflora Incarnata).Passion Flower is an herbal supplement. The leaves, petals, and stems of the plant are used in making teas or tinctures. When in tea form it may be mixed with other calming herbs to increase its effectiveness. Tinctures can be added to juice or other drinks and taken as needed. Passion flower is primarily used as a calming agent to help with anxiety or insomnia. Doctors agree that is does work as well as some prescription drugs for aiding in anxiety disorders, however, there are few studies on how it actually works. It is theorized that it increases the production of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) in the brain. GABA is an amino acid that helps calm and reduce hyper-activity which is why passion flower has become such a popular supplement for treating children.

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid).GABA is naturally occurring amino acid that is produced by the brain and acts as a neurotransmitter (the same way SSRI's are intended to do by blocking nerve impulses related to stress and anxiety). When GABA is depleted in the brain due to poor diet or stress, the nerves tend to "over-fire," thus causing anxiety, panic and stress.The simple way to correct this condition is by taking GABA supplements found at any health food store or vitamin supplier. In addition, research shows that replenishing GABA to the brain can also help fight depression, insomnia or other neurological conditions.

How to use it: The herb can be dried and you can eat half a gram three to four times a day. You can mix it in with some muesli and yoghurt since it doesn't taste that great. Alternatively, passion flower can be made into a tea of which you can drink a few cups a day.Chamomile.Another age old herbal supplement which also helps eases your tense muscles which are often a result of stress. It's tasty and because of it being so readily available it is very popular for people with panic disorder and those who suffer from insomnia or even night terrors.

Because calcium and magnesium promote relaxation and calmness, supplements should be taken before bed to avoid drowsiness. Likewise, calcium and magnesium can be naturally added to the body by consuming dairy products, green leafy vegetables and whole-grain cereals.For betterment of cognition/improving focus and mental stamina,Alpha GPC (choline) - A more potent supply of choline, as compared to lecithin. It is a great auxiliary substance to piracetam, which depletes acetylcholine, ergo adequate transmission will be maintained.Aniracetam - A nootropic (memory/learning enhancing) dietary supplement that is immensely useful when your thinking is obscured by anxiety. Depersonalization often causes brain fog and therefore I found it to be a helpful implement when learning/working. Furthermore it also exhibited anxiolytic properties in laboratory mice via action on dopamine. Take 2 - 3 750mg pills daily.

Winter Cherry (Withania Somnifera).Winter cherry is an herbal supplement that comes from India. It is sometimes referred to as Ashwaganha. The root of the plant is powered and sold in pill form. This plant is used to treat both depression and anxiety. There are no known side effects for this herbal supplement. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing. People who are taking MAO inhibitors should also avoid this supplement.

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan).5-HTP is an amino acid. It occurs naturally is foods such as turkey, milk, and pumpkins. It is metabolized in the body and turned into the chemical Tryptophan. This chemical is thought to increase production of Serotonin and Melatonin in the brain, both of which are highly effective mood stabilizers. 5-HTP can be found in capsule form and added as a dietary supplement. There are no known side effects and it is generally thought of as being safe.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).Vitamin C occurs naturally is fresh fruits. It is often used to protect the body from illness. Research had shown that deficiencies in vitamin C may cause mental disease and anxiety. This vitamin can be found in a variety of forms such as pill and liquid. Often foods are enriched with vitamin C to promote health. There are no known risk associated with vitamin C. It is a water soluble vitamin and the risk of overdose is low.

Lecithin - Not only does it reduce the frequency and severity of migraines, but it also helps you to achieve an overall calm state of mind. I found it to be outstanding in reducing panic attacks which many people report along with depersonalization. The cholinergic system is involved in memory and learning among myriad other sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. Therefore lecithin, being a precursor to acetylcholine, will positively address cognitive impairments such as brain fog.L-theanine - Extract from green tea that evokes a focused state of relaxation without making you tired or overly stimulated. Along with its nootropic properties it is also a worthy mood-enhancer. 400-800mg daily should do the job.Improvement without noticeable sedation/stimulation,Vitamin B - chronic supplementation of b-complex has been shown to reduce work related stress in addition to attenuating confusion and depression. I recommend using the sublingual form if accessible due to its high bioavailability. It is difficult to overdose on B-vitamin since it is water-soluble, so don't be afraid to incorporate it into your daily diet.

Once you have decided to take the challenge and try one of the many supplements for anxiety and stress you will be faced with many different choices. For me those containing passion flower or lavender seem to work the best for daily daytime use. Valerian root on the other hand creates drowsiness, so unless you are looking for a sleep remedy valerian should be excluded.Also, there are both liquid and tablet formulas. Without a doubt the liquid formula will get into your system faster, and are more appropriate for unexpected stressors. But ultimately it is a personal choice with both types of herbal remedies for anxiety and stress shown to achieve excellent results.

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