Friday, 4 October 2013

Tips On How To Change Your Life And Achieve Your Dreams

By Bessie D. Burton

As a bestselling Author and inspirational Speaker, I wrote this report for you because I was in the same place with the same questions. All the questions raised above and all the methodologies and concepts mentioned are things that I asked myself and applied in my own life, and yet I remained trying, struggling, striving to find my joy.No matter what you gain and gather and accumulate in the material world, sometimes it is not enough to fill the void inside of you. Going inside of yourself is the answer to finding your happiness. And yet, it is the one place we often run from. It was not until I discovered the missing key, the holy grail, that my life transformed forever.I had diligently applied teachings such as mind power, positive thinking and the universal Law of Attraction in my own life, but was still failing to keep myself fully aligned to my goals/dreams at all times, feeling lost and confused about why I couldn't 'find' happiness, but then I made a groundbreaking discovery.I found the one thing that no one had told me. I found the one thing that is not written about anywhere. Not only did I find that 'thing' but I also investigated it, researched it, interpreted it, and lived it for 18 months, documenting the evidence every single day. The result? I changed my life, found happiness and joy, transformed and then started sharing my groundbreaking story in books and articles. Here is what I learnt:
[Books That Change Your Life]

Go through your closets and discard clothing you have not worn in the past year - it might not even fit you now. Consider how many shoes a person really needs. Most people do not really need more than three or four pairs of shoes. Discard that which you do not need and make room for something else - you'll feel better if you do.Change can be good.Similarly, go through your refrigerator. When's the last time you cleaned that out? Do you really need to keep that near empty bottle of Soy sauce considering you haven't eaten Chinese food in more than a year? Toss it out! Make room in your refrigerator; make room in your life. You will feel better afterwards.

Signals comes to us in an endless number of ways, such as: unusual happenings, situations, occurrences, events, people, things, surprising coincidences, synchronicities, dreams, animal totems, song lyrics that pop into your head 'out of the blue', imagery/symbols that repetitively show up in your life.Signals tend to be things that are out of the ordinary, surprising, random, 'coincidental' and often repetitive in nature. As they can seem to be random, and to be just 'coincidence', it is easy to miss them completely, or... to see/hear them but to misinterpret them as meaningless.This report has been designed to AWAKEN you to the existence of Signals: what they are, why they exist, and how to utilise them as guidance as you go about creating a life you love and turning your dreams into reality.Where do signals come from? Our world is made up of energy. Every tangible, physical thing in our world is made up of energy, and all intangible things, such as our beliefs, thoughts, and feelings are also made up of energy. The world we live in operates on energy. Energy is the hidden engine room behind what we see around us.The Law of Attraction states that you attract to yourself the things, people, circumstances and outcomes that resonate with your own energy. Therefore, if you direct your beliefs, thoughts and feelings in a positive way, focusing on what you want, you attract back to yourself more of the same - positive things.It is very important to focus on what you want - to live in alignment with the Law of Attraction, by directing positive belief, thoughts and feelings towards your goals and dreams, but you must also create your life with action. Sitting still waiting for life to happen to you is not the way to turn your dreams into reality.As you focus on what you want in your life, The Universe is literally responding by sending you signals to guide you forward. Signals guide you on 'how' to achieve what you desire. Like a navigation system they are pointing you in the direction of your goals and dreams.

Exercise.Yes, exercise. The human body is connected to the human mind and the two are inseparable. One affects the other and it is necessary that we take care of each of them.Many people do not exercise because they do not like to sweat. We can still exercise without sweating.Begin getting fit slowly. There is no need to go all-out from the beginning and that is not recommended anyway. Begin by taking a slow walk through the neighborhood or go to a large shopping mall and just stroll through it. Take your time - there is no hurry.

Have you ever thought about changing something in your life such as starting a new career, learning a foreign language or getting more fit? Maybe you have even attempted to do new things or change old behavior patterns, but your enthusiasm didn't last too long. And you gave up.It happened because habits are actions we make unconsciously. We just feel like we need to do a certain thing without asking ourselves why we have to or what is in it for us.

People Signals:There is a saying that goes - people come into our lives "for a reason, a season or a lifetime".They may be friends, family, acquaintances, work colleagues, clients, business contacts, neighbours, former companions, complete strangers and the list goes on.People can pop up unexpectedly in your day. People you have not seen in a long time may call or show up, trying to reconnect with you. You may be introduced to someone in a way that seems quite unusual or coincidentally very helpful. Strangers may approach you or cross your path.In relation to your goals and dreams, people can act as signals. They are moving of their own accord, in alignment with their own beliefs, thoughts and feelings, but the unseen powerful dimension in our Universe which works in response to energy, is weaving all sorts of people, situations and happenings to guide you.Pay attention - people may suggest something to you, they may make a passing comment to you, they may question you... people are powerful signals and they can literally hand you opportunities on a silver platter that are powerful signals to propel you towards your goals and dreams if you are alert for them.It is worth noting that sometimes we are so fixed on what we want (which is great!), but also become fixed on 'how' we think we will achieve it (not so great!). Remember - our job is to focus on what we want, and let the signals show us 'how'. If we become blinkered to the only way we think it is possible to achieve our goal/dream, we may miss opportunities. People signals are a very good example of this. People that we may consider meaningless in the sense of achieving our goals and dreams, could actually be the very means by which we could achieve these things powerfully. Everyone we meet in life has something to share. What can you learn from them? What do they know? Who do they know? What can they offer you? What can you offer them? Keep an open mind.Animal Signals.Animals are powerful signals. These are known as animal totems.If animal images/symbols, encounters with actual live animals or dreams of animals repetitively show up in your life, in an unplanned and random way, you may be receiving a signal by way of animal totem.Each different animal has a very specific meaning. In relation to your goal or dream, animals can come to guide you on what you need to know, what you may need to remember, pay heed to or consider at that particular time in your life. This information is widely available online and in books and you can easily research the meaning of animal if you think you are receiving an animal totem signal.

Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, emails, signposts, billboards, advertising, websites... the list goes on. These are aspects of our every day lives.In relation to your goal or dream, these mediums for information, be it written, visual or audible, can all act as signals to guide you. Once you become alert to signals, you will start to notice recurring references to things in your day to day life, quite possibly very directly related to, or outright stating your goal or dream.In relation to your goal or dream, be it a career path you want to follow, a place you want to visit, a type of experience you want to have, look out for direct or related references to that as you go about your normal daily routine. Simply be aware and alert, really see the sights, really hear the sounds, be consciously in the moment and you'll be surprised by what you encounter.Dreams are not whimsical, fanciful mind movies that arrive from nowhere in a completely random way. Yes, they are fanciful and our dreams aren't necessarily 'real' in terms of a reflection of what is or might happen. However, they are your subconscious mind operating freely, and whilst the stories of your dreams in their fullness may not be telling you something, the images and events in your dreams can be very symbolic. They can reflect useful learnings for you and act as signals.There are plenty of resources available online and in books regarding dream symbology if you are interested in what your dreams may be signalling to you.At times we receive signals that are just too bizarre to categorise and let me just state that not all signals can be categorised. There are endless ways The Universe can send you signals.How do I recognise signals? There are several things you can do right now to start to recognise the signals that are being sent to you every day. However, one of these things is the absolute key to recognising signals.That key is... you must become AWARE.By reading and understanding the basic information about signals you are armed with knowledge. Even a little knowledge will get you started. There is nothing difficult about this way of living, following the signals is simple and fun. However, even armed with this simple information, without awareness you are blind to the signals. Awareness gives you the ability to recognise the signals that are being sent to you.

And when we awake we are not rested. We may have been thinking and dreaming about problems at work or in our personal lives, some may suffer sleep apnea, while outside sources such as loud parties next door or noisy neighbors or the couple in the next apartment who screamed at each other all night may have interrupted our sleep several times through the night.A body that is not rested means a mind that is not rested. It makes for a very difficult day, so do your best to get enough sleep.Set a certain time to go to bed and stick to it. Your body needs a 'pattern'; it needs to do certain things at the very same time each day.If you make time for 'you' and get to sleep at the same time each night, exercise every day and do what you can to eliminate external influences in our life so you can get quality sleep, you will awake rested and ready to go.You will feel much better and your life will go much better in return.

A tip for interpreting signals - sometimes the meaning of a signal or signals is not immediately clear. That is fine, as sometimes it takes time and sometimes it takes multiple signals to form a complete picture of where/why/how you are being guided. Be patient and enjoy the journey.And, in addition, if you are not clear about the signals you are getting, or how to interpret them, you have several very simple options. You can connect with us in the Follow The Signals community to share, question, brainstorm, seek help and to network to learn more about interpreting signals and of course... you can simply ask The Universe for clearer signals! Remember, The Universe is acting in reaction to your energy and what you ask for, ask for clearer signals... and you'll receive clearer signals.How do I follow the signals? Signals are not going to change your life for you. YOU are going to change your life.Signals are not going to turn your dreams into reality. YOU are going to turn your dreams into reality.Whatever you want in your life, be it changing something you don't like into something you do like, or changing something that is already awesome into... well... awesome-er, the ACTION to achieve your goals and dreams all comes from you.The Universe is generally not going to deliver your exact outcome to your front door. It delivers you signals to enable you to help yourself. Life is not about having things handed to us on a silver platter all of the time, it's about the joy of the journey, and the challenge of learning and expanding ourselves as we go about creating lives we love.The signals are coming to you every day to guide you forward. All you need to do is let go of any concern or worry you have, any negative vibration, and trust that the signals you are receiving are guiding you in a positive direction.When signals arrive, they can prompt you to think in a different way, to act in a different way, to feel a different way, to move in a certain direction, to ask new questions, to take new actions. They open up your eyes, and your mind, and this allows you to move forward powerfully towards your goals and dreams. Even tiny baby-steps forward, tiny changes in thinking, tiny movements towards your goals and dreams incrementally all add up to major leaps forward.Personal Ownership & Accountability.The Universe is sending you signals every day, and those signals are there to support and guide you. Please note this distinction - the signals are not telling you what you must do. We do not surrender our decisions, outcomes and our path to signals. We instead embrace signals as a tool to aid us as we go about creating lives we love and turning our dreams into reality.Signals are not responsible for your happiness, or for the way in which you create a life you love, and turn your goals or dreams into reality. You are responsible, and if you receive a signal and follow it, you must fully own your choice and your free will and right to choose that path or action.We must not surrender up our destiny or success to The Universe, thinking that we are puppets in a play. This is not how life works and this is not what The Universe wants from us. Your life is not pre-determined. Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings create your outcomes and every moment of your life you have a choice to believe, think and feel whatever you choose. What you believe is possible, what you focus on (your goals and dreams) and how you choose to act (by following signals or otherwise) is within your control.

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