Friday 7 October 2011

Setting Personal Goals To Achieve Results

By Randy Disert

The practice of goal setting is very popular and is done by many people. By doing this you are able to set your sights on a desired outcome for your life or specific activity. Everyone sets goals for different reasons and they are all based on a specific individual and their circumstance in life.

There are many diverse kind of goals you can establish for yourself. Some of the common ones are financial, health, spiritual, & family. They are all important goals that you should try to succeed at. The problem is that many people will set them, but never meet them.

The type of goals that you should set will be a determination of your own life and where you are at that point. No matter where you are you should be setting some goals that will allow to you to truly have success and better your life. If you want to better your financial situation you should set a goal and a deadline on what that would be achieved.

Many people set goals at the start of a new year. It is the start to a new year and allows someone a fresh start at what they desire. These are usually referred to as resolutions. You can set these resolutions anytime of the year. Just because it is new years does not mean that is when you have to set goals. it is merely a common starting point. But again, if you are lucky enough you will be able to keep those resolutions for a few weeks before you do something that might screw them up and then you give up and not focus on it anymore.

Being accountable for your goals is very important as well. You must have someone in your life that you can share these goals with and they will hold you to them. This person can be someone that will not let you fail. It could be a friend, spouse, or even a colleague Accountability is important because without that you are more likely to fail and quit when things get tough. You will have the help to be very focused and to keep pace with what you need to accomplish.

Any action you take must be immediately. You will not have success in life if you do not take action now and begin your journey. Begin working your way to achieving your goals now, do not wait. This one decision to take action now can help you succeed.

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