Monday 30 September 2013

Learn To Sing Like A Pro

By Diane C. Kuhn

Learning to sing is less of a destination and more of a journey.If you plan to sing professionally and make a career out of entertaining with your voice, you'll probably spend a lot more time, money and energy on learning to sing than a hobbyist. I'm going to address both of you - the singer who wants to sing professionally and the singer who just wants to get good as a hobby.
[How To Sing]

Wherever you decide to have your singing lessons, you will be able to learn various exercises to help you with the very basics of singing, and breathing in the right way. People seem to get the wrong idea about singing lessons and make it much harder than it needs to be. Granted you will have to put some effort in and spend time between lessons practicing yourself, but all the work will be worth it in the end.The whole point of learning to sing is because you want to enjoy it, and to get the full amount out of your lessons you will need a fair bit of tuition. This is where if you decide to have one on one tuition you will make a rather large hole in your wallet as the weeks and months go by.

Many people have found it a lot easier, not to mention cheaper to learn to sing by using CD's and DVD's to help them to visualise exactly what they should be doing. There are many singing courses around that offer CD's to help you, but you really do need to be careful which one you go for. Read everything about learning to sing this way, listen to examples, see what qualifications the person who is making the CD's has. If you go for a Singing Success type course you will have CD's and a DVD which you can listen to and play over and over again until you are happy with your progress. Compare this type of learning to sing with the cost of paying a teacher on an hourly basis, and you will see that learning to sing in this way will be less expensive than learning with a personal teacher.

You'll be given lots of original songs and audio exercises for you to learn with. These include solo singing, singing warm-ups, singing in harmony, singing for auditions and very much more. The included Singorama "Mini Recording Studio" software features many tools including a virtual piano for working on scales and songs. Just imagine adding a WHOLE OCTAVE to your vocal range! Imagine how others will be blown away by your pitch-perfect singing. Just imagine how much your self-confidence and stage presence will soar! You'll be singing from your heart, not your mind, and your audience will see that right away.

Many people will maintain quite strongly that singing is a natural ability that you are born a singer or you're not. Now I will concede that there are many 'natural' singers in the world and I wouldn't even be surprised if the vast majority of professional singers were naturally gifted. But given will and determination almost anyone can learn to sing.

Record yourself as much as possible and get as many expert opinions as you can. Network a lot and connect with other musicians. Challenge yourself daily. Be cordial with others because this very much a business about who you know, and there's no reason to piss anybody off when they can make or break your career or at the very least hurt your reputation.

Gig as much as possible while learning to sing. They'll never be a perfect moment when you're perfectly ready to deliver the perfect performance. This is real life. Your voice is going to feel great one day, crappy another day and everywhere in between. Welcome to the emotional rollercoaster, that's what it is. Make your own opportunities and capitalize on those presented to you. Ask your teachers for help. They have connections, experience and want to see you succeed.

To understand how we all should be breathing observe a baby in its cot. Notice the way its belly swells up with each breath it takes? That's because it is using its diaphragm. Now no one taught it to breathe that way except nature and I do think, in cases like this nature knows best. As we get older we get lazy and take shot breaths through our chests. In order to sing properly you've got to go back to been a child and re-learn how to use your diaphragm.The first thing you need to do then is discover how much control, or the lack of it, you have over your breath.

To get a physical feel for what your breathing is really like try this. Place your left hand over your stomach, with your thumb on your belly button, place your right hand on top. Now take a deep breath in through your nose and let your hand feel the expansion in your stomach as your belly fills up with fresh oxygen.Now try and hold it there and count to five, it's difficult I know, especially if this is your first time. OK it is time to exhale on a slow count to five release your breath mellow and slow, conserving every last bit of it. Was it difficult?

Even though I studied classical operatic voice in University, performed in local opera and musical theatre productions, sang in high-level choirs and taught students of all ages in my private studio, I left that profession to do internet marketing. I don't want to bore you with my personal story (that's what the about page is for ) but I have an important point to make. When you study classical singing, there's a definite RIGHT way to sing and definite WRONG way to sing.

One final word of advice as regards breathing properly while singing, When singing proper breathing needs to become second nature to you, you've got to learn to do it without thinking. Get a good technique, learn how to breath properly and you'll be amazed at just what difference it makes to your singing.We've looked at how important breathing is if you want to learn to sing but it's impossible to go much further in an article like this. For those of you wanting to learn to sing you can read more about how a non-singer can learn to sing by checking out the link in my resource box below.

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Learn To Sing Well Online

By Jalila Heuts

If you want to learn to sing well you need commitment, talent and the right coaching to help you achieve your potential. This can be achieved by signing up for singing lessons with face to face singing lessons or you can now get the same benefit online.Online singing courses and tutorials are becoming increasingly popular with people learning to sing for the first time and also for more seasoned singers looking to refine their vocal techniques. While a human tutor can give you a certain amount of singing tips and teach you're singing techniques an online program can do the same thing and with quite a few other benefits that cannot be duplicated with a one on one lesson:
[Singing Lessons For Beginners]

Your breathing technique is also critical. Just like the palate, it's simply habit that you need to change. Most of us are unknowingly breathing from our upper lungs when we should be breathing from our lower diaphragms.If you want to learn to sing better fast, just practice breathing correctly from your diaphragm for five minutes per day and you will progress rapidly. I know it sounds to easy, but breathing controls every thing.You will notice your notes last longer and you sound much more confident in your natural sound if you're singing from your diaphragm and not straining from your lungs.

You can take the plunge and decide you want to learn to sing on line. If you want to learn to sing online you will have a lot of options at your disposal. It will not matter what type of music you're into either or what type of singer you are. It also will not matter what level of singer you are because when you learn to sing online a course is available to suit all different levels. There are lessons available for beginners who want to be slowly walked through the process. Learning slowly will help you grasp everything you will need to learn before moving on to the next step.

Okay, this is a short article. This is mostly for people who are starting and want to learn to sing in tune, but ANY singer can find great use from these exercises and just learn to sing well.First - singing is all about air. It's about breathing and VOLUME. If you want to hit a note perfectly, especially the higher ones (but any note basically), you need to hear yourself well, and you need to have VOLUME. If you want to get in tune, then sing louder.

When you decide you want to learn to sing online you will separate yourself from those who are not serious about building this all-important skill. After all you must understand when you are trying to learn the important skill of singing, unless you're one of those was naturally talented with the gift than learning to sing will take years and years of practice possibly. This is more so to get your voice just perfect. So by deciding to learn to sing online you give yourself the chance to build that perfect voice.

Music is very similar and that's why so many musicians listen to different music than that which they create. Simply put, you must accept your own unique voice and style even if you don't like it. Eventually as your skill level improves, so too will your ability to sing other types and styles of music. Besides, I bet you will warm up to yourself (LOL).Now, if you find that you have a voice you hate in a genre of music you despise then what can you do to sleep at night? I got one word for you - fusion. That's right, take whatever genre you are good at and fuse it with the type you want to be good at (country-rock, classical-metal, thrash-jazz, blues-pop etc). Just go for it and see if you can make it work - anything goes - just be creative and have fun.

Sing along with a piano. Press random keys on the piano, one at a time, and try to match your voice to it. Play a scale from C to C.Find an electronic guitar tuner and sing a scale. You will automatically see if you're too high or low.Sing along with recordings. And record yourself singing! This is so important - you need to hear yourself from outside your own body, so to speak. It will be much clearer what you are doing wrong. Then do it again and you will hit the notes way better. Do it enough and you can learn to sing the song correctly.

Learn to sing by working with a professional for a short time; it is the ideal way to discover your voice. They can provide immediate feedback and help identify where your voice sits naturally. Check your local community centers for classes and/or look in alternative newspapers to find someone with experience. If this is not a viable option (locating and paying a human being) for you then use a good online program.

Now these are the steps.Believe In Yourself: This is extremely important. No matter how good you are or how much you suck, when you sing you have to be proud of yourself and you have to do it for yourself. Stop caring about what people think about you. I know it hurts when someone makes fun of us, but you have the power to decide what is real criticism that you can use to work more at that particular skill, use it at your advantage. And just let go maybe people won't like to hear you when you are starting out but I promise you that you'll sound good if you have the drive so don't give up just keep working on it.

Your Voice is Air, BREATHE: Learning to breathe properly is fundamental for every aspect of your voice, and yeah you're probably not breathing properly (I know, that sucks). The good news is that it's easy to do, just learn to use your diaphragm. This is hard to explain via text but a Quick YouTube search on "breathing exercises" will give you a free training on the subject (come on don't be lazy).Expressive = Engaging: Singing is an art form and is meant for you to express yourself. So get immersed in the song, feel it and tell the story (even if the song is about partying, then imagine you are at the best party ever). If you want to sing just for fun, do this because is way more fun like this; bring out the actor/rock star in you and people will listen. Obviously if you choose to be a professional singer this is way more important so never forget it.

An advice that is often given to beginners is to sing along while playing a CD. Creating a strong connection between the lyrics and the melodies is vital. This way, the singers are able to easily remember one aspect if they know the other one.Real life examples and practical exercises are necessary in order to develop the voice, to gain vocal control and to reach notes higher than ever before. Besides that, you need to find out more about time signatures, arpeggios and the various styles singing. A proper vocal training package will certainly help you master all these aspects and will help you to learn to sing well in no time.

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A Hearing Test Can Change Your Life

By Arthur M. Taylor

If you are currently suffering from a drug addiction problem, you should seek help as soon as possible. Those who suffer from narcotic addiction increase their risk for a premature death. If you fail to seek help, you may end up passing away because of your risky habit. Do not let yourself down by not addressing the situation. Instead of letting yourself become a victim to what you cannot control, consider checking into one of the many drug rehab centers.
[This book Will Change Your Life]

If you think that a center may be the right choice for you, see what kinds of programs are offered by the centers. Often, they'll offer a program that can cater to stopping your specific addiction. Keep in mind that the quality of the counselors will differ, depending if you go to one of the free drug rehab centers or if you pay to go to rehab. Regardless, they are here to help you overcome your addiction.

A hearing test is completely free. Why should there be a fee for simply discovering your true needs? You were born with perfectly functioning ears that you didn't have to pay for. So why should you have to pay now? The actual examination is a pretty easy process. Most people have fears when they hear the word "test". But this is something that will not hurt. And the results will only aid the specialists in finding the perfect solution. Simply put, all the exam entails is for you to listen to some sounds and to respond to them. That's it. No needles, shots, or blood are involved! All of this for no cost at all. You cannot beat this!

Since drug rehab centers use different techniques and philosophies, you may need to take time to find the right place for you. Free centers may not have the same success rate as private centers, as they do not have the same access to certain resources. However, they have been proven to work for some people. If they didn't work, they wouldn't exist. In the end, it's up to what you want. You have to put in the work and effort to become sober.

The facility is designed especially so that patients can come in and have their ears assessed. The professionals will be totally understanding and will provide you with exactly what you need. They will make sure that you get a device that fits, is comfortable, and is small enough to fit your desires. You don't have to live in a soundless world when solutions are available.OK, so I going to start by saying there are many people online today that have either been involved or are becoming involved with some form of marketing opportunity. With the economic climate today many people are turning to new ways of making a living, and internet marketing is certainly a great way to get started.

But! before we get into this, there is always something that is stopping you from succeeding, and I call it the "the positive mind" Why, because many people fail to realise that the way you think has a deeper impact on the way your external world operates. What I mean by this is that if you don't change your thinking, you will never change your life. "Why" well, If you have a cheerful positive out look to your life, people see this and see that you are a leader and a great example of someone to follow and be empowered by - especially will online marketing.

It is not that you cannot do certain things if you are not fit. Some things will just be very difficult. To some people, getting down on the floor with their toddler is hard. Not everyone is unable to move quickly or with agility because they are not fit. Sometimes there are health issues. Sometimes however, it is fitness.

Let me give you a few of my top tips on what you can do to stay positive in your life:Self Talk - Everything we do has an effect on the way we think about ourselves. So tell yourself that "I feel terrific today" I can do it" I am great at what I do" I like myself" These are just a few examples of what you can say to yourself for positive mental talk. Use these examples and you will feel terrific and most certainly have a more positive attitude without you realising.

Slowly but surely, lifting weights will change the way you feel. Lifting weights burns calories while exercising, and will continue to do so even after you are done.When you begin to notice the change, and you find that you need something more challenging, perhaps it is time to add something to your routine. Yoga is a great option to add between weight lifting days. It will help you to stay flexible through the muscle-building process. You may want to add some aerobic exercise a couple of days a week as well.It is important to remember that if you hope to make fitness a life-pattern that it be user-friendly. Do not add anything that will end up causing you to quit altogether. Take small steps to meet the goals that you have. Before you know it, you will be doing that task that you thought you would never be able to accomplish.

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Sunday 29 September 2013

Steps To Program Your Subconscious Mind

By Marinthe Sijstermans

If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. - Quote by, Marcus GarveyImage all the things you want and dream about everyday. You can actually program your subconscious mind for the happiness, health, creativity, and riches that you deserve just by focusing on what it is you desire to happen.What do you think about every day? Do you limit your thoughts with self-defeating beliefs and negative attitudes? Instead, entertain thoughts that are worthy of your natural birthright. Feed your mind continuous thoughts of wellness, enjoyment, prosperity, and accomplishment.
[Program Your Subconscious Mind]

Start by daily reprogramming your Subconscious Mind to show you the behaviors that are necessary in expressing the ideal you. With a little practice you can develop any positive quality you wish. The more you practice positive behaviors, the more you become unique, confident, and enthusiastic.Make a list of the qualities you now have that are positive and unique, and get rid of the ones that are negative and weaken your power to achieve what is best for you. In return, you influence others with your best self and attract the best in others to you. For example, some affirming thoughts for your mind to nurture may include:

I am thankful for what I now have. Gratitude brings its own reward.I give cheerfully to others, not that I may receive; instead, know that giving is in direct proportion to building positive rewards for future success. My enthusiasm is at a high level. Enthusiasm increases your self-confidence and self-reliance. Relying on others for your happiness diminishes your own self-worth.I am willing to seek knowledge or help when I don't know the answer. Create a mental picture of what it is you wish to achieve and get the help you need to accomplish it.My confidence to achieve is a definite purpose that keeps me growing. Having a definite purpose in life gives you something to strive toward.I am rich according to what I am and not by what I have. Be thankful for what you have now and what is to come in the future.

Sharing information that helps others may change their life for the better. By giving to others, you earn respect, eliminate envy, and selflishness melts away.I always give my best and expect nothing in return. Something good will return to me without asking.I am consistently and persistently aware of my emotions, of my health and staying well, my behavior, and my beliefs, and my thoughts. That way, any negative thoughts can be removed immediately. Negativity repels instead of attracting.My state of being and my individual choices in life are in harmony with what I wish to attract. You attract what you focus on most often.

Having a positive attitude shows in my earnings and my spending. I have no trouble paying my debts, and getting what I want. I put out positive energy so more prosperity can come my way.I realize that wealth can be experienced when it is built on honesty and trust. Therefore, I will engage only in transactions that serve others with love, harmony, and a belief in them and in myself.When you settle for lack and limit your thinking in any part of your life, you are depriving your very God given nature to not be all that you can be. Riches, health, happiness, and creativity is a mindset. When you focus your mind on these qualities of life, you create your own destiny.

Positive behaviors are effective, and life changing. Make your affirmations of happiness, wellness, achievement, and prosperity, now.Emotional Freedom Technique was discovered by Gary Craig. Using the emotional freedom technique involves tapping the energy meridian points on the body. This might seem silly at first and unlikely to work however the technique is not that outrageous when you consider that it is similar to acupuncture without the needles. It is becoming increasingly popular and is recognized worldwide as an effective means of energy therapy and for changing the way the subconscious perceives events.A couple people who you may recognize are Bruce Lipton Ph.D who said that "EFT is a simple powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behaviour." and Deepak Chopra MD who said that "EFT offers great healing benefits".

EMDR Another method recommended is Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. This method has an 84-100% success rate, is non-invasive and was first discovered by Francine Shapiro in 1987. The process involves thinking about a traumatic memory while receiving bi-lateral stimulation. The sessions involve flicking your eyes back and forth or listening to a bi-lateral audio or holding onto bilateral tactile sensors while thinking about a traumatic memory. Theses sessions last around 90 minutes and the typical client requires 2 sessions to cause the traumatic memory to lose its emotional intensity. Bilateral exercises cause the left and right hemisphere to work simultaneously which allows the memory to be reprocessed in a much more beneficial way.

The American Psychiatric Association Practice Guideline (2004) has stated that EMDR is recommended as one of their first-line treatments of trauma.Psych-K. Founded by Rob Williams in 1989, Psych-K is the merging of psychology and kinesiology. The treatment involves muscle testing to test a clients subconscious belief about something. Then, a couple of bilateral exercises are done while the client affirms the new belief that is to be programmed into their subconscious mind. After the Psych-K exercise, the client is muscle tested again to evaluate if the new belief has been programmed into the subconscious.

Self-Hypnosis. To hypnotize yourself you have to get completely relaxed. The reason relaxation is of paramount importance is because to access and reprogram the subconscious mind, your brainwave frequency has to be in an alpha or preferably theta brainwave. Children are amazing at learning between the ages of 2 and 6 because they are primarily in a hypnogogic trance which is a theta brainwave frequency. When you are as relaxed as you can be, imagine yourself doing the activity that you wish you were more proficient at. Exposing your relaxed mind to ideal visuals will influence your subconscious behaviour in more progressive ways that match your conscious goals.Everyday there are easier and more effective reprogramming mind methods that allow you to create the life youw want with greater ease and joy. The best part is that once you've remove what's been mentally limiting you, the positive results begin to come gushing in.

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Stress Management Tips For Learners

By Dana B. Thompson

Some stress is an important part of everyday life. As a consequence of being stressed we react to situations better, perform with a heightened level of awareness, access a more focussed way of thinking. But to live in a permanently stressed state is counter-productive; it is draining and bad for our long term health.Learning to prioritize is an important stress management technique. We can become habituated to instantly reacting whenever there is a request for work or help, but learning to prioritize is an important way to manage stress. Doing the most urgent tasks first helps to manage stress and pressure as it minimises the need to have people banging on the door, urgently demanding a piece of work.
[Stress Management Techniques]

Elimination of stress is unrealistic, since stress is a part of normal life. It is impossible to completely eliminate stress and it would not be advisable to do so. Some stress management techniques can be adapted to control the stress and its effects on physical and mental health. Managing stress is all about taking charge of your own thoughts, emotions, schedule and the way you deal with problems.

Once you get to know the chief reason behind your stress, you can easily manage it. All you need is spend some time with yourself and family away from tedious activities of your daily life. This helps in relieving your tensions and keeps you totally relaxed. A weekend getaway or a holiday to a hill station can also be a wise option to get rid of your stress, breaking free of the shackles of social events and work pressures. An exercise regime followed regularly acts as a positive catalyst in reducing stress levels. You can also join yoga classes or seek professional help from experts who can help you out with best stress management techniques. Various programs and counseling by professionals help to eliminate all issues related to stress in an easy and reliable way.

Take regular breaks. Stopping for food, drink, exercise, fun improves your quality of concentration and is an important stress management technique. Eating healthy food away from the work station, having a brisk ten minute walk, a little 'me' time all ensure that your quality of concentration and focus improve on your return. Intensive periods of study, urgent deadlines often benefit from taking a break to allow the thoughts to clean and settle for a while. No one can work flat-out 100% of the time and often people find that new ideas and insights have surfaced during their time away from their desk.

Never let stress overshadow your life and happiness. A healthy body and a healthy mind, both are significant to lead a healthy life. A stressful mind cannot let you enjoy your life. Learn to manage and beat the stressful situations with ease today and 'live life king's size'.Coloring books make for one of the better stress management techniques for a variety of reasons. For starters, it keeps the hands busy in a calming fashion. When you have a crayon in your hand the simple back and forth motion can be very soothing. Whether it triggers nice childhood memories or is just a motion that relaxes you, it is easy to find that you settle into a nice rhythm.

Get enough sleep: Adequate sleep fuels your mind as well as your body. Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.There are numerous proven techniques which encourage this state of intense rest and release.This article focuses on rhythmic, deep, diaphragmatic breathing. This vital stress management tool is "right under your nose" and as near as your breath! When you focus on slow, deep breathing, the in-breath fills your lungs and causes your lower belly to expand as the diaphragm descends downward into the softness of your relaxed belly.

By performing a task that is counter intuitive with being emotionally charged you give your whole body a chance to calm down. The adrenaline that your brain pumps into your system during periods of high emotions is eased back to normal levels. This lets your shoulders, abdominal muscles, and legs fall into a more comfortable state of being. A relaxed body has a harder time being emotionally engaged in negative interaction.

Then begin to become aware of a slight pause that spontaneously takes place at the end of each out-breath. Give yourself permission to remain here without rushing to take the next inhalation. Allow the next inhalation to surface when your body is ready to welcome it.Take pleasure in the comforting tranquility of the pause. Float peacefully in the silence of this pause between exhalation and inhalation, letting the breath happen of its own accord. Let the breath breathe you!

Programs on stress management techniques are offered by professionals. These programs are ideal options to deal with your stress levels. In addition, regular exercises, yoga, healthy diet, assertive attitude, focus on priorities, better time management etc can also work wonders in flushing out stress from various stages of your life. You need to understand your stresses and deal with them head on. You should try your best to anticipate and prevent problems as much as possible. A positive attitude towards life and spending quality time with family members can also be efficient stress busters.Stress differs from person to person and hence you need to experiment what can really work for you. A healthy and positive way to deal your stress can enhance your overall well being. The way you feel and deal any stressful situation in life is your choice. Counselors can only guide you through stress management techniques. They suggest measures to explore positive aspects of life and in confronting situations that arise. Stress management lessons are all about learning when and how to take control.

Studies have shown that people who can calm themselves intentionally are much more able to remain calm for longer periods of time under duress. The consistent training of the mind to release the tension helps it to happen automatically even when tension is building.Using coloring books as one of your stress management techniques can increase your overall productivity and help intensify your commitment to living a happier and healthier life. By engaging in the practice you can exert more control over your reactions and develop healthier outlets almost overnight.Do you want to learn more about Stress Management Techniques - Using Coloring Books and other Stress Management Techniques?

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You Are What You Think You Are

By Aniek van Wordragen

Many people consider the power of positive thinking as utter nonsense. They don't take it seriously. They scoff at people who believe it because they either don't know what they meant, or they don't consider them effective.However, those who accept it do not know how to use it to get the desired results. Then again, this subject is gaining popularity as manifested by the many courses, lectures, and books about it.
[Power Of Positive Thinking]

Negative thoughts, is the way to frustration, failure, and disappointment because its words bring up unhappy moods and action. Positive thinking, on the other hand, is an attitude that expects joy, happiness, health, and success. It brings brightness to our eyes, enables us to enjoy a pleasant feeling, and gives us happiness and more energy. It affects our health in beneficial ways. We walk tall, and our body shows what we feel.Other people can sense this aura, and it affects the people we meet. Is it any wonder why we want to be around positive people and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity?

Negative thoughts and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions.Optimism consists of three major components: first, the belief in your own power to make a successful life; second, the belief that negative events in life are temporary; and third the belief that positive events in life are permanent.

The power of positive thinking is an incredible gift that will put your life and challenges into perspective because it will reduce stress. Life will definitely throw some curveballs but hitting that home run is worth it. So, the next time you find yourself struggling to bring a touch of positive thinking into a particular situation, try the following methods:

Positive thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk are the thoughts that run in our minds every day. These thoughts can be positive or negative. Some of the self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise from misconceptions that we create because of lack of information.

Past regrets and future worries are the reason for fear and insecurities to arise. Past is history and shaping future is in your hand. Present is what we have so we must make the maximum utilization of it. Take every hardship as a challenge and take this as an opportunity to show that you can go to any extent to achieve your goals. Develop a healthy eating, stress free life, and get a good sleep. Be content, natural, and happy with what you are and what you have.

Count your blessings! Write a list of everything positive in your life, however large or small, whether it is your relationships, your family, your home, your pets or your job etc. Don't forget to include yourself on that list - put at least 2 positive things about yourself that you are grateful for.

One of the best ways to make sure that you are able to think positively is whenever you set out to do something always picture the task successfully completed before you start. This is fairly common advice in which you are told to picture the end results, the problem is that most people just leave it there. Obviously picturing yourself as being successful is not going to be enough, you will have to take action. It is however a very good start and is something that you should get into the habit of doing.

Remember happy or exciting memories from the past and visualise how you felt at that moment. Close your eyes and relish in those thoughts, awakening your senses to what you were thinking, seeing, touching or smelling - reliving the memory. Avoid letting your mind wander into any sad or negative memories by quickly replacing them with good and positive thoughts. Forget past mistakes, you cannot change them, you can only learn from them.

We have talked about the past and the present, now let's talk about creating a positive future. Make a to do list, write about the small things you need to do and also the big things that you eventually want to get done. Give yourself timescales but make them realistic so you are not putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. Tick them off one by one when they are completed and then be proud of yourself for getting them done.Look after your health, keep your home environment clean and tidy, do your job to the best of your ability and be kind and grateful to others. Consider anything that no longer makes you happy and make the positive steps to changing it. Psychic guidance can help you focus and create your future, showing you the steps that you need to take to building a happy life for yourself and those around you.Positive thinking is like a plant, the more you feed it, the more it flourishes. Negative thinking is exactly the same, only far less enjoyable... So act now.

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Sunday 22 September 2013

GoalSetting Is the Secret to Successful Individual Development

By Chelsea Grace

By implementing proven, time tested personal development strategies people have managed to make their deepest desires become reality. Most individuals wish to feel good within, to feel deserving and helpful. This work contains several tips you can take advantage of to improve yourself and increase the joy in your life. Set a goal and be passionate about your goal. You must be fully passionate about the goal you would like to achieve so you may to do exactly what's needed. Being passionate about your goal will also assist you in making any sacrifices and compromises wanted to follow through on your goal.

Listen to your heart when selecting your life's work. That may sound hackneyed, nevertheless it is undeniably true that the more obsessed you are about what you do, the happier you'll be. Don't make decisions based only on your want for cash. Select a career that will allow you to love what you do. When you love what you do, the money will have no choice except to follow.

Hear youngsters on the road to private development. Out of the mouth of babes comes some really sage advice. For instance, a kid and a mum are having a conversation about picking the kid up from school. The mother goes off at an angle about not knowing what needs to be done in the winter. The kid looks up and says: "Do not worry about it until it occurs Mom." Children are pretty smart if you know how to hear them.

To cope with isolation, be totally certain to go out every day and have interaction with somebody. Go to smaller, local shops where you may encounter the same people on a regular basis. Learn their names and ask about them. Interested people are interesting and make good friends!

If you've been feeling a little depressed and cannot appear to motivate yourself, just stop for a minute and think of all of the positive things in your life. For instance, you'll enjoy your job or you have a great pet. Once you target the positive areas of your life, you will begin to feel better and be thankful for the various blessings you have.

One way you can help yourself manage stress is to do progressive muscle relaxation. One at a time, tighten a muscle, hold it, and then release the strain. This helps to relax your body, and research has demonstrated that people's psychological stress goes down as their body stress is reduced.

Build robust and healthy relationships with good folks. The people that you share your life with are likely to help you in your journey to a contented life. If you're around unhappy people, it isn't going to help you change your ways and find the life that you would like to live.

Focusing on several of these private development systems is a good way for folks to improve their lives. Anyone stuck in a rut and unhappy with the state of their life would be sensible to apply these ideas assiduously. Why hang around any longer to be the person you've always wanted to be?

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Saturday 14 September 2013

The YPT-230 Yamaha Keyboard

By Ray Hauser

If you really want a wonderful alternative to an expensive keyboard, but don't want to shortchange performance and fidelity, the YPT-230 Yamaha keyboard is the ideal selection.

This economical, but still superb keyboard is manufactured by the Yamaha Company. Yamaha is an innovative global leader in the development of outstanding musical instruments. The YPT keyboard has been improved and upgraded to deliver even better sound quality and fidelity. Dedicated musicians the world over know that when they need a keyboard with exceptional features and sound production nothing short of the best will do and the best is Yamaha.

The YPT-230 keyboard is a masterpiece of engineering music technology. It offers exemplary sound with a price almost anyone can afford.

The keyboard market is fiercely competitive and most decent keyboards will cost at least $400. It's difficult to purchase an outstanding keyboard with ultra wide stereo and education software for a price under $400. The YPT-230 is ideal for keyboardists of all abilities from novice to professional entertainer. This keyboard is also compact and lightweight which makes it very convenient to travel with and store.

This Yamaha instrument is packaged with an X style stand which supports the keyboard while you're playing. The sturdy X style brace is made to last, if cared for and stored with care.

Yamaha packages the YPT keyboard with a pair of closed-cup headphones which is a nice offer considering these headphones by themselves are normally somewhat expensive. A pair of good headsets can always come in handy, if you want to privately listen to your music without disturbing anybody else. This is particularly worthwhile, if you have easily irritated neighbors or it's late at night. They're simple to use too. Just plug them in and you're all set.

The YPT-230 Yamaha keyboard is also a magnificent instrument for budding musicians just starting out because it's so easy to learn and operate. The simple turn of a knob controls volume and ultra wide stereo (UWS) ensures that you hear very note produced.

Yamaha keyboards have almost no polyphony issues. There's never a concern about absent notes which were played, but never heard. This is exceedingly important, if you want to record and listen to your work.

The YPT-230 keyboard is one of Yamaha's finest products. It will supply hours of fun and learning for musicians of all skill levels. This keyboard has over 350 distinct voices from guitar to piano which is fantastic for the creative types who love to compose and play their own music. These built-in voices can help you to produce and perform an almost infinite amount of music. The Yamaha YPT-230 is truly an instrumental masterpiece of music technology.

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Friday 6 September 2013

How To Make A Girl Like You More

By Ryan Watson

The burning question on every heterosexual's mind is how to make a girl like you. Brace yourself, you are about to find out. Every girl can't resist mystery, spontaneity, and creativity. That's right! These three words hold the secret to making any girl like you.The complication of this particular issue is really based on fundamental simplicity. What's ironic, these three powerful fundamental truths behave like a universal law. It matters not the geographical location, the culture, the size, or the shape. With mystery, spontaneity, and creativity, there's no need to look any further for the source of the secret to what attracts a woman.
[How To Make A Girl Like You]

Chemistry makes it a priority to find out what makes a girl like you. Approaching the girl that makes your heart skip a beat with the funny pick up lines you just garnished from your best mate is a huge gamble and, probably, will die a miserable death right before your eyes. A female can never be approached or dealt with like a headache. By this I mean, with a headache, any common pain killer will suffice.

Have an "I don't care a damn" attitude surround you. Be open and playful around the girl you like and don't conform to social norms if you want to say something.You will also have to play some mind games here to get her attention. So when you see this girl, just acknowledge her and nothing more. Make her feel like yes she is popular but you are not crazy about her.

The second thing you need to master is your body language. It is important to remember that communication is estimated to be only be 7 percent verbal. The rest is body language, facial expressions and voice tone. It is important that you learn to carry yourself in a confident manner. Stand straight with your shoulders back and your chest out. Be slightly more pronounced with your movements and make hand gestures when you talk. Fill up space with your body. Don't shrivel up. Use confident eye contact. Body language is key. Do all you can to master it.

The third thing to do is to gain the ability to talk to a girl you like. Learn how to use your voice when you talk to women. Keep eye contact and occasionally flick to her lips so that you can create some sexual tension. Get good at banter. Don't be afraid to mock her a little. Have interesting stories from your life ready and practice telling them to your friends. Relax and be comfortable around girls. Also learn how to be a good listener. Women love conversation. There are times when you need to build attraction through talk, but often times the more intimate moments call for your attention.

When it comes to seducing women, what most men do not know is they tend to focus on the wrong things to do - which is the reason why they get rejected by women. You see, in order to make women like you, you must first find out the things that REALLY work before doing them.Those who are good with women realize that there are a set of psychology tactics which they can use to literally 'force' a girl to like them. Weird, but true. Read on to discover two 'dirty' psychology tactics, and how they can be used to achieved phenomenal results, almost instantly.

Some people say that you can't learn how to make a girl like you that it's impossible to force someone to feel a certain way. If you have the right amount of confidence, though, you can make yourself more favorable in her eyes. You can increase your chances with a girl if you have the right mind set. There are also certain things to say to make women want you. For instance, you can increase your chances with her just by keeping the conversation positive! Avoid using negative words when talking to a girl.

Covert Tactic 2 - "Fractionation". This is a neuro linguistic programming (also known as NLP) tactic which has been used extensively to hypnotize people. Through a simple (but systematic) usage of anchors and emotional elicitations, men who use this technique have been known to be able to make females sleep with them in less than 15 minutes. Very powerful stuff, and highly controversial - some has called for it to be 'banned' because of its nature.

Be sure to listen to her. If you want to know how to attract girls, you need to remember the small details. This is one of the quickest and simplest ways to gain her trust. Remembering details involves listening to what she has to say, remembering the things she likes, noticing the things she wears, etc. Be sure to bring the details up in later conversations.Women love a funny guy. Even if you don't think you have a good sense of humor, you can always still try to be funny. Always be in a good mood whenever you're around the girl you like. You can make a girl like you by maintaining a fun, positive attitude. They will enjoy being around you.

One of the best ways to get any girl you want to like you is to have a sense of style. Girls notice guys with style. You don't have to be a model to have style you just need to dress nicely and have good hygiene. Always walk with your head up. Never slouch, sulk, or look down at your feet. Walk around as if you're a man on a mission, and women will take notice.Want to know what to increase your chances with a girl? Be nice to her friends. If you treat her friends with respect, they will put in a good word for you. You can even befriend them and hang out with them if you want to get closer to her.Have good manners if you want to make a girl like you. Show her that chivalry isn't dead, and she will really appreciate your politeness. You can do this by opening doors for her, offering to carry her shopping bags, and just being nice in general. This is one of the best things you can do when trying get the girl you want.Follow these tips to make women like you, and you will attract any girl you want!

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Tuesday 3 September 2013

What Is Motivation?

By David Johne

The two major non-psychological theories of motivation have been propounded by Plato in ancient times and by Machiavelli in the medieval times. Their focus is on the different types of desires of human beings to perform various activities. Some of the modern researches support the theory of Machiavelli, known as Machiavellianism, while the theory of Plato is termed as tri-partite theory of soul.

One of the most basic motivations for any organism, including human beings, is hunger. Hunger elicits the motivation to eat, which requires some kind of action or effort on the part of the organism to get the food required to satiate the hunger. As such, it is the psychological cause or purpose of any action by any living organism.

Extrinsic motivation allows people to perform activities with the explicit aim of attaining a specific outcome. The most common extrinsic motivating factors are either rewards for achieving something or threat of punishment for failure. Competition is a powerful extrinsic motivator, where an individual beats others and proves superiority, even though there might be no intrinsic motivator to win.

It is the inner drive in every organism to act or behave in a specific manner. If you have enough motivation, you might get up early in the morning and continue with your daily activities in a vigorous manner. If you do not have any motivation at all, you might be loitering around the house throughout the day in a lazy manner, doing nothing.

Drive is a very powerful motivation for most of our actions, since drive stems from desire to fulfill a need or compensate a deficiency. This drive activates behavior in humans to achieve goals as mere incentives. The drive is usually a part of intrinsic motivator, without the requirement of any external stimuli to encourage specific behavior in an individual.

The theory of Machiavelli states that human beings have the motivation to seek status and power over other things. Modern research confirms that people with such traits usually go after money and power, using others as mere instruments to achieve their ends.

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