Sunday 19 June 2011

Musicians of the Dominican Republic

By Robert Nickel

The Dominican Republic is the second largest nation in the Caribbean, and shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. The history of the Dominican is much like most of the Caribbean regions; discovered in 1492 by Christopher Columbus, colonized by various European countries including Spain and France, bore the burden of slavery, and experienced much revolution as a means of independence. The influences from African slaves, Spanish and French settlers and the aboriginal peoples has left an indelible mark on the culture of the Dominican Republic. That mark is no clearer than in the music of the region.

Juan Luis Guerra was born in 1957 in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. Along with many other names, Juan Guerro is one of the most celebrated and recognized musicians in the world. His unique style of merengue, bolero, Afro-pop and Latin fusion has carved out a very specific style that no one else seems to be able to match. His music is profoundly Caribbean and lyrics are simple and metaphoric. Popular Latin expressions such as Burbujas de Amor (bubbles of love) and El Niagara en bicicleta (niagara on a bicycle) are rampant in Juan's music, making them easily identifiable to his listeners. Juan Guerra has sold over 30 million records in his career, and been awarded 15 Latin Grammy Awards, two American Grammy's and two Latin Billboard Music Awards.

Omar Franco was born in Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic but spent most of his life in the city of La Vega. Classically trained, Omar began his career with winning first place in the First Festival of Vegan Voice. Soon after he joined the orchestra of Rafelito Martinez, singing boleros for the masses. In 1982 Omar was the lead vocal in a Spanish version of Jesus Christ Superstar at the Teatro Nacional. A year later he was awarded the El Dorado prize for male singers, by the Dominican Republic. In 2011 Omar was recognized for his career at the Cassandra Awards, the culture and arts presentations for the Dominican Republic. With numerous albums and singles to rank high in Latin charts, Omar Franco has joined the numerous talented artists from the Dominican Republic.

Johnny Ventura was born as Juan de Dios Ventura Soriano in 1940 in Santo Domingo. He took the Johnny Ventura in 1959, when he began his musical career. He sang in several merengue bands, winning prizes and being featured on La TV Busca una Estrella. The program played each Friday evening, and in Santo Domingo the bells rang when the show began. During the early 1960's Johnny Ventura was recruited by several famous musicians to participate in shows recordings and orchestral tours. When he finally travelled to the US in 1967, he became an overnight star.

Once again we see two musicians from the Dominican that have chosen different paths for their careers. Juan Guerra created his own sound using elements from every aspect of Dominican culture. Omar Franco incorporated acting into his musical career, and clearly made a name for himself. These two gentlemen are just a small taste of the talent emanating from the Caribbean. There are so many local artists who have chosen to stay in the Dominican, and are just waiting for travelers to sit and enjoy a song or two.

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