Monday 26 November 2012

How to cope with bad news

By Rick Elvers

Your boss says he has to lay some employees off so beware, your doctor calls and tell you to call him right back, your daughter calls from get the idea; bad news can come in many ways and at any time it's all in how you deal with that news that matters.

When a person such as yourself receives bad news it is common for so discomfort, in some circumstances the discomfort, or pain can become so intense that professional help is required with that of medications or trusted medical professionals who act in behalf of the grieved for counseling and support.

As mentioned above the "flight or fight" is a natural response however, if you can, fight the urge to jump into anything right away. Bad news is not a time to rush out and do anything dramatic or make big decisions. The mind and body need you to slow down, process the information, and maybe even do some research so that you can feel back in control of your situation. Knowledge is power and if you have all the facts before you it will make your decision process go a whole lot smoother.

Not all health diagnosis should be treated with self-healing, there are many aliments that inflict the body beyond our capacity to heal and if your body has been damaged by disease then a trusted health professional should be sought out, however the healing form of mind over illness still plays an essential role. Dr. Jameson at a clinic in Maryland has noticed the patients he treats who come with a positive attitude and believe they can be healed typically do get better 40-50 times faster than other patients who don't have a positive and or don't believe they can get better.

Once you have found the mental will power to get better then it is time to grab your partner, make new friends in a support group, or share with a family member your good news- you are going to be well again, your health is going to return, and you are going to continue living life to its fullest. When you share these positive emotions with someone who will support you, the positive energy doubles, so get out there and cheer for good health.

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