Tuesday 6 March 2012

American Idol Audition

By John Silver

When you watch American Idol on TV, it shows that all the candidates get to perform in front of Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell, but this isn't true. You may not even be on TV. In this article, I'll let you know the entire process it takes for the American Idol audition and tell you what you should expect. Keep on reading this article to find out. Keep your ear on the streets and find out when the next reality show casting call will take place.

At the time that this article is published, American Idol will be at season 9 already. What that means is that you'll see more auditions for American Idol. What you see on TV for an American Idol episode about auditions is not what really happens behind the scenes. The reality is that you are in line with other candidates for hours and hours until you see the casting directors. You don't even get a chance to audition in front of a camera or in front of celebrity judges. You first have to get past this first stage before you can even audition in front of the judges you see on TV. The casting directors will then choose you if you have the certain look and possess the skills to be an a American Idol.

The casting directors will also purposely pick people that suck so that the public can laugh at them on national television. It's really tough because even people who can sing really well may not make it to the next round. If you don't have that look: Caucasian, attractive, and with a story, you won't make it. I have worked in casting for years and the only thing we look for is if that person is marketable to the general public. The casting directors only look at one thing: what gets the most viewers and gets the most ratings. Take the example of William Hung with "She Bangs."

The casting directors knew that they could make him a laughing stock and have people talk about him at the water cooler the next day. They didn't care that they were making fun of someone, all they want is ratings.

Less than half of a percent of all candidates on the show get to see the celebrity judges and be on TV. I don't tell you these things to discourage you, but instead to make you try harder to get it. If you are looking for VH1 open casting calls for music videos, fill out this quick form. You'll also have a chance at a get an acting job. Good luck with your American Idol audition and I hope to see you on a cover of the next CD.

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