We use affirmations all the time, but usually we're not even conscious of it - they seem to operate under the radar of our awareness, repetitively running in the background and producing the same old results, dictating what we can and can't experience. Repetition of a thought is one way in which we form beliefs, and once they're in place, our mind will run them on auto pilot so that we can focus our attention elsewhere. Learning to drive a car is a good example of this - when first learning, our attention goes on high alert as our mind has to process all the components that go into driving a car safely. After several months of practicing, we start to feel comfortable driving and as we enjoy more success, our confidence is bolstered and we start to believe that we are indeed a competent driver. Soon the thoughts and actions required to drive are habitual, and our mind is now free to drive and think of other things. This is same way in which affirmations create results in our behavior, emotions and actions, both positively and negatively.
Affirmation on the other hand will make those subconscious thoughts conscious because you will be aware of them. And, when you start thinking conscious positive thoughts, you will be more aware which negative thoughts are threatening to take over. This is because we create what we think.This is an interesting phenomenon because if you're not aware of your negative thoughts, it could be sabotaging for you. Ninety percent of what you are thinking about gets carried over the next day's 52,000 thoughts so if you're thinking negative, you are bound to think negative thoughts and will never get you out of your rut. And yet, since affirmation means saying something positively, your statements will assert what you want to be true and change your mind set.
Since all of our inner conversation and that entire self-talk are streams of affirmations, we continually create our own experience based on the subconscious flow of those words and thoughts. Some of these thought patterns we have developed must have worked well for us since childhood but many of them are sabotaging us from getting what we really want. Remember that, what we think is the reflection of our inner beliefs and many of them are based on inappropriate impressions we have created as children. These behavioral patterns are used by our subconscious to quickly and easily respond to everyday events which is essential to our survival.
If at first your affirmations feel awkward, forced or phony - that's good! Any feelings of discomfort means that you're stepping out of your comfort zone (fear), you're creating inner change and ruffling the feathers of your ego self, who wants to keep you safe. Safety to the ego self is maintaining the status quo - no changes allowed. So please appreciate what's really happening and use it as fuel to gain momentum; you can use the feelings and thoughts about your discomfort to create a new, empowering affirmation for yourself! The discomfort will dissolve once you get into a daily rhythm and develop some confidence. Do it anyways. At the beginning of your exercises, don't worry about whether you believe your affirmations or not, the effectiveness is in the repetition. Belief in your statements will develop as a result of the repetition and meaning you give your affirmations, so choose wisely. Any resistance that you experience, including thoughts about what nonsense all this new age stuff is, are excuses to keep you safe and free from change. Resistance is also an opportunity for you to break out of the conditioned responses of the past - try being open and see the opportunity in learning something new about yourself; you may be pleasantly surprised at what you discover inside!
I am a big fan of using affirmation to effect personal change. I believe that by choosing to think positive affirmations, it will be easier for my mind to respond to something I believe to be true. Although I know how it works, I still find it astonishing that something this simple can create a dramatic effect in my life. It is nothing short of remarkable but by simply saying short sentences over and over again, you can produce positive change. But, don't let the simple technique fool you into thinking that they cannot work for you.
I am abundant! I am loved.Applying An Affirmation.Make the laws of affirmation work in your life. Let's focus for a moment on the "word" aspect of this equation. The words I am are a very powerful tool. "I AM" tells the universe to put the wheels of energy in motion. These two words trigger the universe and let it know you are ready to receive your prayer.
For women, challenging some of the old cultural/tribal beliefs is particularly revealing and empowering as it affects change not only within ourselves, but also has a trickle down effect for new generations. As we challenge, release and replace old limiting beliefs about the roles women were historically assigned to play, we live and teach the new beliefs to those that come after us. For example, a tribal belief within my family and heritage was that the men were the breadwinners and the women were the housekeepers... for a woman to be happy, she had to find and marry "a good man" who would provide her with security, a nice home and a certain level of comfort; and in exchange, she would raise the kids, cook, clean and manage the household. This formula is great if that's what you want; however, in this family, a lesbian career woman with no interest in raising children would experience a certain amount of conflict between the traditional family beliefs and her personal desires.The payoff in challenging old beliefs is that we discover that it is our power of decision that liberates us from the restrictions of the past and it is our power of decision now that creates a new future to our liking. And limiting beliefs about traditional feminine roles contain great material for creating positive affirmations for women to work with in manifesting the results they desire - usually, what we desire is pretty much the opposite of the belief we want to drop, so use the old belief and reword it for the positive outcome you desire.
It is important to realize that all things exist in some form. The money you need is out there. The perfect person you wish you could spend your whole life with is somewhere, just waiting to meet you. The tools you need for learning exist, and so do the people you need to meet. When you stop to think about this, it makes the idea of lack seem utterly preposterous.In order to use affirmations properly, it is important to know what you want. Spend some time thinking about your desires and work on framing your affirmative statements in a manner that will be most powerful. Do not use any negating statements that talk about what you do not wish to have. Think and speak in completely positive terms.
Once you have framed your affirmative statement, it is time to put it into action. Think, feel, and speak your intention. Here are some of the best ways to do this,"All the good in the universe is mine." "I have everything I need, and I am completely grateful for all I have." "I am more happy than I have ever been, especially now that (fill in your desire here.)" As you use the positive affirmations that you come up with, picture yourself enjoying whatever it is that you require. Feel yourself enjoying what you have, and believe it is on its way to you. Soon enough, you'll see changes large and small making their way into your life.
[Positive Affirmations]
Affirmation on the other hand will make those subconscious thoughts conscious because you will be aware of them. And, when you start thinking conscious positive thoughts, you will be more aware which negative thoughts are threatening to take over. This is because we create what we think.This is an interesting phenomenon because if you're not aware of your negative thoughts, it could be sabotaging for you. Ninety percent of what you are thinking about gets carried over the next day's 52,000 thoughts so if you're thinking negative, you are bound to think negative thoughts and will never get you out of your rut. And yet, since affirmation means saying something positively, your statements will assert what you want to be true and change your mind set.
Since all of our inner conversation and that entire self-talk are streams of affirmations, we continually create our own experience based on the subconscious flow of those words and thoughts. Some of these thought patterns we have developed must have worked well for us since childhood but many of them are sabotaging us from getting what we really want. Remember that, what we think is the reflection of our inner beliefs and many of them are based on inappropriate impressions we have created as children. These behavioral patterns are used by our subconscious to quickly and easily respond to everyday events which is essential to our survival.
If at first your affirmations feel awkward, forced or phony - that's good! Any feelings of discomfort means that you're stepping out of your comfort zone (fear), you're creating inner change and ruffling the feathers of your ego self, who wants to keep you safe. Safety to the ego self is maintaining the status quo - no changes allowed. So please appreciate what's really happening and use it as fuel to gain momentum; you can use the feelings and thoughts about your discomfort to create a new, empowering affirmation for yourself! The discomfort will dissolve once you get into a daily rhythm and develop some confidence. Do it anyways. At the beginning of your exercises, don't worry about whether you believe your affirmations or not, the effectiveness is in the repetition. Belief in your statements will develop as a result of the repetition and meaning you give your affirmations, so choose wisely. Any resistance that you experience, including thoughts about what nonsense all this new age stuff is, are excuses to keep you safe and free from change. Resistance is also an opportunity for you to break out of the conditioned responses of the past - try being open and see the opportunity in learning something new about yourself; you may be pleasantly surprised at what you discover inside!
I am a big fan of using affirmation to effect personal change. I believe that by choosing to think positive affirmations, it will be easier for my mind to respond to something I believe to be true. Although I know how it works, I still find it astonishing that something this simple can create a dramatic effect in my life. It is nothing short of remarkable but by simply saying short sentences over and over again, you can produce positive change. But, don't let the simple technique fool you into thinking that they cannot work for you.
I am abundant! I am loved.Applying An Affirmation.Make the laws of affirmation work in your life. Let's focus for a moment on the "word" aspect of this equation. The words I am are a very powerful tool. "I AM" tells the universe to put the wheels of energy in motion. These two words trigger the universe and let it know you are ready to receive your prayer.
For women, challenging some of the old cultural/tribal beliefs is particularly revealing and empowering as it affects change not only within ourselves, but also has a trickle down effect for new generations. As we challenge, release and replace old limiting beliefs about the roles women were historically assigned to play, we live and teach the new beliefs to those that come after us. For example, a tribal belief within my family and heritage was that the men were the breadwinners and the women were the housekeepers... for a woman to be happy, she had to find and marry "a good man" who would provide her with security, a nice home and a certain level of comfort; and in exchange, she would raise the kids, cook, clean and manage the household. This formula is great if that's what you want; however, in this family, a lesbian career woman with no interest in raising children would experience a certain amount of conflict between the traditional family beliefs and her personal desires.The payoff in challenging old beliefs is that we discover that it is our power of decision that liberates us from the restrictions of the past and it is our power of decision now that creates a new future to our liking. And limiting beliefs about traditional feminine roles contain great material for creating positive affirmations for women to work with in manifesting the results they desire - usually, what we desire is pretty much the opposite of the belief we want to drop, so use the old belief and reword it for the positive outcome you desire.
It is important to realize that all things exist in some form. The money you need is out there. The perfect person you wish you could spend your whole life with is somewhere, just waiting to meet you. The tools you need for learning exist, and so do the people you need to meet. When you stop to think about this, it makes the idea of lack seem utterly preposterous.In order to use affirmations properly, it is important to know what you want. Spend some time thinking about your desires and work on framing your affirmative statements in a manner that will be most powerful. Do not use any negating statements that talk about what you do not wish to have. Think and speak in completely positive terms.
Once you have framed your affirmative statement, it is time to put it into action. Think, feel, and speak your intention. Here are some of the best ways to do this,"All the good in the universe is mine." "I have everything I need, and I am completely grateful for all I have." "I am more happy than I have ever been, especially now that (fill in your desire here.)" As you use the positive affirmations that you come up with, picture yourself enjoying whatever it is that you require. Feel yourself enjoying what you have, and believe it is on its way to you. Soon enough, you'll see changes large and small making their way into your life.
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